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Creating data deals

to protect your

data investments.

Do you also struggle realizing the full value of your data investments? We can help.

From our experience the following four problems are responsible for most headaches when organizations invest in data assets:

  • Data platform costs overrun budgets: Accurately budgeting and controlling platform costs is difficult due to that:
    • Platform volume demand is insufficiently understood preventing organizations to come up with a solid forecast.
    • Vendor pricing models are a ‘black box’ and as a result unfit to use for budgeting purposes.
  • Partner selection is long and difficult: Selecting and contracting partners takes ages and the result is not satisfiable (i.e. too expensive, not flexible enough, duplicate functionalities etc.).
  • Stagnation in the PoC phase: After successfully completing a PoC organizations struggle to bring the PoC to the next phase. As a result, the full potential of the data investment is never reached.
  • Failing to reduce infrastructure: Efforts to modernize and reduce data infrastructure at the same time result in an increase in data infrastructure instead. Organizations tend to hugely underestimate the difficulties attached to migrating all data use cases from the old to the new infrastructure.

What’s the difficulty,
you might ask?

A lack of collaboration: All of these problems are the result of a lack of collaboration. And we see this happening in partnerships of all sorts; between data-sharing organizations, between data infrastructure partners and also between departments of the same organization. More in particular, collaboration is insufficient on the following aspects of the data investment:

  • Value of the data asset is defined from a single perspective and not from the perspectives of all actors involved in the collaboration.
  • Delivery pipelines of the actors involved in the collaboration are not aligned.
  • Estimations and results are not shared between departments and/or organizations involved in the collaboration.

You need data-deals(!): We believe that with data deals you can secure the right level of collaboration. ‘Data deals’ are contracts between parties that allow for data to be shared under a set of conditions (i.e. controls, standards and “optionally” fees).

We help you solve your problem by

Data is an extremely valuable source material. Either combined with other data, or used to train algorithms or in many other possible ways, the value of data can be locked. More often unlocking the value of data, requires the involvement of more then one party. And then these parties need to agree on the nature of the data, what can be done with the data and what cannot be done with the data, who does what etc. We setup these agreements for organizations and we call them data deals. We can setup the agreements for you and we can also determine the level of (both automated and non automated) controls on the agreements (i.e. audited, enforcements etc.) for you.

Easily applicable to

Organizations or departments that want to share data with each other but only under a defined set of conditions. Currently they struggle with formulating these conditions, what data sharing standards to use and – in some cases – what fees to charge in order to cover for the costs of running the data deal.

We have already successfully completed projects for AMS-IX & AMdEX. And we are very proud to tell you that we are currently working together with AMS-IX on a large project to host and manage a vast amount of data sharing agreements.

Organizations are increasingly willing to invest in their data infrastructure in order to bank on the projected value of their data. However, although indeed data has a lot of potential, its costs can also be staggeringly high. The trick is of course to find the sweet spot and select those investments are running a positive business case.

We can estimate the costs of your data investments, we can help you keeping them under control and making sure your data investment indeed becomes profitable.

Easily applicable in case you want to:
  • Build or acquire a new data platform
  • Evaluate, select and prioritize data use cases

We have successfully completed projects for KPN & AMdEX.

Most organizations will need to rely on external partners in order to pluck the fruits of their data. This external dependency often gives organizations head-aches. In practice companies struggle both what external parties to select that is fit for their needs but also they struggle with how to contract them so that its in line with their needs. We can help you determining what parties fit to your needs and how you should contract them.

Easily applicable in case you want to:

  • Build or acquire a new data platform

We have successfully completed projects for KPN & Louwman.

After a successfull proof of concept your use case doesnt get the traction it deserves. This could be due to the lack of understanding of its value and therefore you dont get green light to invest and scale it. We can help you provide solid underpinnings by drafting out the road to scale your case, its required investments and its expected returns.

Especially applicable to

Organizations that have just started experimenting by making use of data in their organizations but are afraid to push the pedal after an experiment is successful.

We have successfully worked on projects for a.o. DAS.

Rationalization of data systems is moving your organizations data use case to new modern infrastructure. The idea behind is simple (rationalization reduces the cost of the overall architecture and of course the modern infrastructure outperforms in functionality etc.). The practice – on the other hand – proofs that its extremely difficult to ‘turn-off’ old systems. Starting a migration and not being able to turn the legacy system off can lead to extremely high costs that become difficult to bear. We can help you with a proven approach during the migration activities and keep migration costs at a acceptable level.

Easily applicable to

Large organizations that have built quite a substantial number of legacy systems over the years. Their new use case demand modern infrastructure and they are considering to migrate some or all of their current data use cases to the new infrastructure.

We have successfully completed projects for a.o. KPN.

Contact us for more.